Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota new President of the "Mutual Progress
By: Germain Cota
Last weekend we held the vote to elect the new board Mutuality of Santa Rosalia, the red form headed by Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota is the only one record being the motto "For the Revival of a True Mutuality" the directors elected for the period 2011 - 2012 of the mutual progress is made as follows:

brother Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota, vice president Carlo brother René Aguilar Villalobos, Secretary sister Carmina Guadalupe López Villavicencio, secretary pro Manríquez sister Evelyn Dominguez, treasurer brother Idelfonso Cuevas Soto, Treasurer brother Gilberto López Martínez, 1 - first vocal brother Joseph LMN Girón Arnulfo Camacho, deputy brother Alfredo Gastelum Mario Romero, 2 - vocal Bastida sister Alejandra Sandoval, deputy brother Felipe Marquez Navarro, 3 - Belem Melendrez sister vocal Beltrán, deputy brother Marco Antonio Murillo Cesena, MDM Advisor. Brother Matthew Melendrez Chacón
Aguilar Cota elected president reported that on 30 April will be the swearing in of new officers for the period 2011 to 2012 at 7:00 pm at a general meeting where all partners are invited to this worthy organization at the end of this meeting will be held a dance liven up the northern group "Los Compas of Baja" where authorities crowned the new Queen "BELEM I", the day after May 1 will be celebrating the 95 years that this organization will meet and celebrate in the garden of the mutual progress with great food, music for all partners and guests
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