Saturday, April 30, 2011

Grad School Letter Of Application Template

From Wooden Palace
By: Germain Cota
* The Congress of State B, C, South, and the standing committee on educational issues and Youth calls for the medal of merit Artistic and cultural Agundes Professor Nestor Martinez. "
* The deputy district XIII, Professor Sandra Luz Cardoso Elizarraras secretary of that committee.
CERESO * Makes Peace of the municipal police who were unjustly detained by the Mexican Army .

Hello Santa Rosalia, these beautiful lands of upstate ... in an interview with the lawyer Luis Aguilar Sandez Palamentario Advisor of Deputy District XIII, Professor Sandra Luz Cardoso Elizarraras secretary of the Standing Committee of issues Education and Youth, reports the Honorable Congress of the state through the Standing Committee on Educational Affairs and Youth of the XIII legislature convenes medal artistic and cultural merit, "Professor Nestor Agundez Martinez" , as bases may participate in plastic arts, architecture, dance, music, preservation and care of cultural relic, the resulting citizen winners will also receive a gold medal recognition and stimulus equivalent of 230 days' wages current minimum in the state's top prize will be delivered by section solemn public on the legislative floor "José María Morelos y Pavón" in part of the celebrations of the day the teachers for more information interested parties may go to the offices of Institutional Revolutionary Party-PRI-City of Santa Rosalia ... .. the past Tuesday 26th of this month were released to local police for more than a month were rooted in the city of Tijuana have to remember that March 18 was arrested unjustly for mitotes of some of his colleagues, who reported to elements of military intelligence apparently based on mitote instead of investigating that is supposed to work, by army Mexican facilities management and municipal transit security where they were seated for more than a month at a hotel in the border city, were allegedly raped the individual guarantees and human rights that were tortured physically and psychologically, where it is assumed that in the XXI century torture is eradicated in our country in a Mexico torn apart by this war on drugs, where the federal court the Attorney General's Office, PGR, in the border city found no crime to pursue and send it to the City of Peace for the judge deems this entity, where after three days of anxiety of relatives of detainees The federal prosecutor acquitted of any crimes which found no evidence against municipal police to pursue, we the relatives of the detainees we wonder who takes away the anguish we went through over a month, where local authorities were to defend the municipal police apparently never gave us a face to our family information, we require them to clean the names of our family "that is justice because it showed that they were innocent and to punish those who gave the the names given to elements of the Mexican army's local agent are: Jaime de Jesus Cota Cota, Carlo Castro Castro, Alfredo Ceseña and Francisco Lopez, is wrong for the umpteenth time the Mexican army and military intelligence elements in this county seat.

in the belfry
The 30th of April in the installation of the Mutual Society Meritorious Progress will be taking out the swearing in of new officers for the period 2001 to Marco Antonio leads Aguilar Cota, night in a big dances and "The Compa of Baja" will be crowned the Reyna "BELEN I" , the first Sunday of May in the garden will be making a meal of "BROTHERHOOD" to celebrate the 95 anniversary of the founding of the Mutual Progress .... For any comment or complaint please write to email: and we can read us online at news blog. And we can also read in


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