Thursday, May 5, 2011

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SPPPyTM assertion hard blow to drug dealers in the municipal
* Saul Antonio Olmos Bogarin main southern city narcomenudista
By: Germain Cota
Effective Secretary Public Safety Municipal Preventive Police and transit-SPPPyTM director-general in charge of licensed Jaime Garcia Meza, captured one of the main is drug dealers south of the Municipality of Mulege , operating in the ejido San Bruno which at the time of arrest drug was found more commonly known as "Crystal" and "Cocaine"
According to the report of the municipal police unit being the 22:40 pm last Wednesday of the month in progress be doing surveillance for travel on the main colonies of the county seat, bars. Canteens and give the port when the operating driving on the Highway from north to south in the vicinity of the coastal walkway this port,
municipal police officers noticed a suspicious vehicle, type Zedad, red, unmarked movement, which led him a male person whom the agents asked him to stop for a review, to conduct the review precaution was found inside his clothes tucked just two transparent plastic bags in your bag inside the first eight wrappers with a fine white powder apparently the drug known as "Cocaine" in the second bag was found thirteen gray plastic wrap called "balloons" with a white granular substance, apparently drug hydrochloride methamphetamine known as "Crystal", just as he was assured the amount of $ 1,400.00 (one thousand cuatroc Ents pesos) and five dollars. The prisoner said his name was Saul Bogarin Antonio Olmos, 27 years of age, resident known in the Ejido San Bruno, a native of Ejido San Bruno in the Municipality of Mulege. The doga were arrested and released to the Public Ministry of the Feder ation in the sub-venue of Santa Rosalia, on the alleged responsibilities d in com Isio of an offense against health in the form of sale and possession Hydrochloric idrato Methamphetamine - GLASS "and" Cocaine. "

Public Safety Secretary
, Preventive Police and Municipal Transit-SPPPYTM "reaffirms its commitment to work for security in the Municipality of Mulege, improving each day est rategias Narcomenudeo to combat crime and to bring peace and harmony in families Muleginas.

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CXLIX Commemorate Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla

The Municipality of Mulege XIV, the Secretary of Public Education, the Department of Culture, Civic Action and Special Events, the 16th. CINE, in coordination with the CBTIS No. 69 carried out the c eremonia CXLIX civic anniversary of the Battle of Puebla, an event that took place in Zaragoza Park. Official discourse was given by Captain Second Infantry, Raúl Méndez who expressed that on 5 May 1862 in Puebla de Zaragoza Heroic weapons as National Za wrote General Ignacio Zaragoza and , covered themselves with glory, 149 years ago Mexico was invaded by the former top military power in the world, "the empire of Napoleon III who desecrated our land and it threatened our sovereignty and independence an imp erio who attacked our institutions Republican pillars of the free nation our parents left us at that time the greatest strength of the army and people of Mexico was the unit and of course the popular extraction of our strength. "
Today as yesterday, "said the Army is the strength of the people and for the people, the troops of General Ignacio Zaragoza took position in the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe to shut off the invader.

chaired the event the Mayor of Mulege, Guillermo Meza Santillan, accompanied by the board of trustees, aldermen, Secretary General of the City Council, Mayoral Bruno Lopez, the director of DIF Mulege, Luz del Rocío Sánchez Martínez, Captain ship, Enrique Cifuentes, who attended on behalf of Admiral of the Naval Sector, Miguel Baez Barrera, Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry Diploma of Staff, Manuel Alejandro Velasco Villanueva, commander of the infantry company sixteenth not framed, Juan Antonio Villavicencio Villalejo, Head of Regional Services of the SEP, directors of various educational institutions, municipal officials and students.

Finally, Municipal and Military authorities installed wreath and mounted guard of honor at the monument of Ignacio Zaragoza. ---

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Thousands of children attended the celebration in his honor in Santa Rosalia

Thousands of infants were at the Plaza Juarez S anta Rosalia, for "the celebration of the Day Child "organized by the Municipality of Mulege XIV presiding Guillermo Meza Santillan, who was present accompanied d or by officials of his administration and some of the aldermen and several relatives of the Mayor Mulege ino, inter them her mother, Mrs. Margarita Meza.

All children were given bags of candy, they presented an interim artistic festival in which hundreds of gifts were raffled, including dozens of bicycles.

directed a message to children and their parents who accompanied them, Municipal President, Guillermo Meza Santillan and director Municipal DIF, Rocío del Carmen Sánchez Martínez, who welcomed the opportunity that is offered to serve children and families Muleginas and sent a message from of Ms. Arely Camarena, president of the Municipal Committee of the DIF for all families instill values \u200b\u200bin children, the support and the support to be good citizens.

Interestingly arts festival participation because the program involved mothers and children from various schools in the locality, dancing and singing.

The festival lasted just over between s hours with a good environment for all participants and in the midst of a child Legria , a lot of little ones took the gifts that were removed in raffle.

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COLOR BLOCK favorite blogs

fast fast that I update it a bit late, but I really wanted to make an entry with my favorite blogs, so visit it and follow them if you like, sure that I like more than one.
These posts are not in order of preference !

'm really quick Updating Because it's a bit late, But I Was excited about posting about my favorite blogs, Them So You Can visit and follow Them if you like them, I'm sure you 'll like more Than one.
Are Not These blogs in order , it's not a ranking!


Lovely Pepa

Style Scrapbook

Lina di Moda

* By the way, I wanted to ask you, if you like, you pasaseis Trendtation on my profile. I have not given much to know, so here I leave the Baghdad, down there and if you like do not hesitate to follow, feel free to vote photos and leave comments whenever you want! Thanks.

* I just wanted to mention to you That, if you want, You Can visit my profile in Trendation. I Have not Mentioned it a lot really, so I've left you the badge, somewhere up there and if you like it, feel free to follow, vote my photos and leave comments Whenever you want! Thanks.

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SPPPYTM assertion hard blow to drug dealers in the municipal
* Bogarin Saul Antonio Olmos, the main southern city narcomenudista
By: Germain Cota
Troops of the
Secretary Segu Public authority, police and transit Preventive M uni-SPPPYTM CIPAL-licensed by the Jaime Garcia Meza. captured Raron one of the main Palestine drug dealers south of the Municipality of Mulege, operating in the Ejido San Bruno, which at the time of arrest was found drug known as "Cristal " and "Cocaine" .
According to the report of the municipal police unit being the 22:40 hours last Wednesday of the current month when performing surveillance travel on the main settlements of the county seat, bars. Canteens and give the port when the operating driving on the Highway from north to south in the vicinity of the coastal walkway from this port, the municipal police officers noticed a suspicious vehicle, type Zedad, red, no license plates, which I drove a male person whom the agents asked him to stop for a review, to conduct the review precaution was found inside his clothes tucked just two transparent plastic bags inside the first eight bag packaging with a fine white powder apparently the drug known as "Cocaine" in the second bag was found Tro thirteen gray plastic wrap known as bobtail "with a white substance and grainy, apparently drug methamphetamine hydrochloride known as" Crystal ", just as he was assured the amount of $ 1,400.00 (1400 pesos) and five dollars.
The prisoner said his name was Saul Bogarin Antonio Olmos, 27 years old, established known in the Ejido San Bruno, a native of Ejido San Bruno in the Municipality of Mulege.

The doga were arrested and released to the Public Ministry of the Federation in the sub-venue of Santa Rosalia, on the alleged responsibility in the commission of a crime against health in the form of selling and possessing methamphetamine hydrochloride - CRISTAL "and" cocaine "
Public Security Secretary, Municipal Preventive Police and transit-SP PPYTM-endorsement their commitment to work for the safety of the Municipality of Mulege, improving each day strategies to combat crime Narcomenudeo and to bring peace and harmony in families Muleginas

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Hey, bloggers! What was your week? I hope not overwhelming finds you doing much with exams.
Well Today I bring you these photos of some of my nail polish that can follow the trend "COLOR BLOCK" I taught in one of the previous entries. Express much how nails are, if you think about it. Nails with bright colors follow the trends and give a unique 100% chic. Brighten up any outfit, and this season, the outfits need this type of touch!

Hey bloggers! "How are you doing? I hope you're not too stressed out with your tests.
Well, today I'm going to show you Some photos of some of my nail polishes That follow the "COLOR BLOCK" Show You That I trend in one of my other posts. Express Nails a lot somebody's personality, if you think about it. Some nice and colorful nails They follow the trends and Give a chic touch to your look. They cheer up Any outfit, and this season outfits Need That sort of touch!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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owner takes protest public safety, municipal traffic police patrols and Mulege.
* Mr. Jaime Garcia Meza, a new director, is committed to train and professionalize the police unit
* No witch hunt much less fire staff, come to join the work of this unit Municipal police.
By: Germain Cota licensed Mayor Guillermo Meza Santillan take protest to graduate Jaime Garcia Meza as new head of Public Security, Municipal Police, Preventive and transit- SPPPYTM Mulege, after his appointment was approved during Section extraordinary council meeting on Saturday April 30 ..
licensed The new director Jaime Garcia Meza, said in regard to public safety one of the priorities that they will give is to increase municipal officials with training and professionalism will be a priority for this address public safety for residents of the municipality of Mulege, feel safe and above all have confidence in their municipal police forces in order to respond to society and guarantee the individual rights of the inhabitants of the various communities. ¨ No
come to conduct a witch hunt, much less to lay off staff, come to join the work in this important municipal police agency in the area of \u200b\u200bsecurity ¨.
In regards to the changes of middle Meza express that in a few days and sub-delegations will be rotation of commanders to the effect that the flaws and mismanagement of entrenched there tend to disappear gradually, in relation to the municipal head from a few days, they start changing of the guard commanders and middle managers all these changes are occurring in the course of this week.
Finally new police officer, said it is a commitment from Mayor Mr. Guillermo Meza Santillan , which citizens have confidence in their agents and to professionalize and train municipal staff to rescuing social values \u200b\u200bare being lost in the police forces, same as we to recover and we will prove with facts I ask the company to trust us because we are not going to fail.
data on crime rates indicated no data yet, but the goal is to work hard to reduce them, likewise mulegina invite the public to denounce the abuses and anomalies of the elements to your railing 113 in the Directorate Security Preventive Police and Municipal Transit.

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Be realistic, demand the impossible.


I will become what we most want the temptation you will ; impossible hold, your best confidant in every corner. I'll be good and bad, will be difficult and possible, be your magnet. Lose control with me and you lose in my eyes , you'll go crazy with my hips and the gentle movement of my hair over her shoulders. Forget the clock and feel dizzy. fall ...

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Monday, May 2, 2011

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Groups workers on Labor Day parade
By: Germain Cota On May Day is celebrated around the world work at the beginning of the twentieth century, two extremely important strikes marked the history of Mexican labor movement in June 1900 and six in the state of Sonora, and in January 1900 seven in the region of Orizaba in Veracruz state.

The parade commemorates the union of these struggles, like those founders joined circles workers mutual or White River or Canaanite.

Yesterday, the Municipal President Mulege. Mr. Guillermo Meza Santillan accompanied by Deputy District XXIII, Cardozo Professor Sandra Luz Elizarrarás and government officials led the parade May Day workers.

event which was attended by all delegations or labor unions and leaders, union members, workers of the City Council to conclude with a civic-cultural act in the public square Benito Juárez García, where I highlight the many local artists are: Barbara Aguilar, Carlos "El Capua" Brown, José Antonio González "the Tobita" and the girl Maritza Aguilar and others.

The event was organized by the Municipality of Mulege through culture and art direction in coordination with various local labor groups, which commemorated the day's work one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary remembering the sacrifice of the martyrs of Chicago, recalling the first of May, eight hundred eighty-six, when history was written by a massive mobilization of labor forces with a rallying cry. Official discourse was given by Martin Sarabia l Remigio Ojeda, secretary of the union's Political Action of Mulege section Bureaucrat, who was in charge of giving a remembrance of these historical events.

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No more nights of darkness, light Mulege to come and hope for better government: GSM
By: Enrique Montaño

In the presence of more than two thousand five hundred people the lawyer Guillermo Meza Santillan, was sworn in as Mayor of H. Municipality of Mulege
XIV in session that took place in the public square Benito Juarez, on Friday 29 April.
Before hundreds of people such as housewives
cas, youth, students, profesionis TAS, sports, business and social sector, associations and unions, managers and entrepreneurs from different communities of the municipality that gathered early to witness this important event, which was attended by Governor of the state, Marco Covarrubias Villaseñor ; the lawyer Ignacio Bello Sosa, presiding judge of the Superior Court of Justice of the State, the president of the Great Commission of H. State Congress, Congressman Gil Tabardillo Cave.
guests of honor such as the lawyer Leonel Cota Montaño, former governor of the state, the former governor of Veracruz and current Senator of the Republic, Dante Delgado Ranauro, president of the municipalities of La Paz, Loreto and Comondú; of local deputies and family that accompanied the license
or Guillermo Meza Santillan said he will work shoulder to shoulder with the governor of the state so that we can build a coordinated progress of Mulege. Current challenges require
men and women committed to maximizing your skills and abilities, to find collective solutions that create prosperity, friends, the time you go to Mulege come, gone are the differences and partisan insults, back was the time of division and subtraction, the Muleginos and today, we want agreements that are based on respect and consensus society.
He said: Mr. Governor, you demonstrated to be a man d
and work and word, was confirmed as president Comondú municipal and federal representatives, the Muleginos and we fully trust that the commitments will be made as governor a reality for the benefit of families Baja California Sur.
"We in this region of the state, we want Mulegé go forward, to all of you, as Mayor I want to reaffirm the commitments to strive as a candidate."
expressed the creation of citizen committees in each municipal office, to work together in promoting works and actions that benefit the community.
He said: "Rest assured that Guillermo Santillán always have a friend and the open doors of City Hall we will continue working with ndo
fishing cooperatives of the North Pacific region, for we understand that if they do well , Mulege go forward. "
"I got involved in campaign to be a President of humane treatment and direct, and will comply, we will hold public hearings every two weeks, listening to requests and opinions directly to the citizens and sub-delegations, delegations and municipal" .
"Promote creation of neighborhood committees and citizens' community in a coordinated manner to find solutions to the problems
matic collective pride will rescue it meant to represent Mulege in competitive sports, encourage the creation of scholarships for outstanding students and athletes and remodel public spaces, rest assured that the government of Guillermo Santillan, the sport will go forward. "
During the home tours that take place in the electoral campaign period in all communities of the municipality, hear directly from the mothers and parents the difficulty they face in purchasing school uniforms for her daughters and children, so I promised in writing that if elected president, would give a school uniform to each child enrolled in the basic level, I announce that the commitment I have talked to our governor and to me that we externship all your support, so that starting next school deliver them together. On security
said that providing security in
p eople and their heritage, and to assert the rule of law is the duty of any government in this regard seek better living conditions for our police.
In terms of public services expressed a commitment to improve services collection and give an appropriate use of waste management, "the agreements will need to purchase city-wide vehicle for collection, just as we will make alliances with the state and the federation for the construction of a sanitary landfill the standards set by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources for the communities of Black Warrior, Santa Rosalia, Mulege and Valley Eroica Vizcaino, also remodel the communities that need it.

He commented that after a year in municipal administration did not cover the payment of electric service, and thanks to the management Governor of the state, Marco Covarrubias, the support of Senator Dante Delgado of the Republic and the Director of the Federal Electricity Commission, the teacher Casamadrid Antonio Vivanco and engineer Ernesto Ramírez Castro, superintendent of area CFE was agreed to after the first of May, public places of our town where the service is suspended, will illuminate again: No more nights in the dark, to Mulege to come light and hope better governance.
commented that one of the first actions carried out in conj
oiled by the state government is working on the construction of the aqueduct of the North Pacific region to provide potable water to the communities of San Hipólito, Punta Prieta, La Bocana and Punta Abreojos.
The joint effort with the state to begin work on distribution of municipal drinking water resources in the communities of Punta Abreojos Bocana and so that upon completion of the aqueduct make networking and families from the area may have water in their homes, likewise asked the governor to support to solve the problem of water supply in Santa Rosalia.
In conclusion he said, my friends, I promised a few months ago in this same plaza, to be a president of the truth and not lies, so I
say that within sixty days shall inform the state in which the municipal administration bill and I assure you, by the training that my parents taught me that manufactures are not guilty, nor anyone solaparé.
What he finds, and as they are, the inhabitants of the town of Mulege have the right to know, send a corresponding instances, the documentary evidence proving what they report and be authorized to proceed accordingly, to serve to let everyone know that the law is respected Mulege, respected institutions, so that one may not do well the things
s, take responsibility for their actions. My friends Muleginos
, rest assured that the stage of
pr ogress, well-being, optimism and pride to come to Mulege, I need your support ys or disposal to the municipality of Mulege greatness that we all want, with the efforts of all, society and government, we will make forward Mulege.

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The Mayor of Mulege, Mr. Guillermo Meza Santillan accompanied by the union's general secretary of Section 118, Alfredo Meza Murillo, in the fellowship of the work day (Enrique Montaño)

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retirees ISSSTE, participated in the May 1 parade protested with a banner dedicated to former President Jose Manuel Murillo (Germain Cota)

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Hello, bloggers, update early in the morning because this afternoon I have to study! Depressing ...
Well, these photos made my girlfriend Almudena, who knows more about my camera than me:)
And no, I do not skate, I do not think of any title and put it in the last picture.

Hello, bloggers, I'm Updating Earlier today because I have to study this afternoon! Depressing...
These photos have been done by my friend Almudena, that knows more from my own camera than me :)
And no, I don't skate, I didn't know what title to put so I wrote that from the last foto.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

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Takes protest the new board of directors of the Mutual Progress Meritorious
* Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota new president of the mutual Progress for the year 2011-2012
By: Germain Cota

In frameworks of the celebration of 95 anniversary of the Meritorious Mutual Progress Santa Rosalia, in a moving formal ceremony on Saturday April 30, took out the swearing in of new officers for the year 2011-2012 headed by Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota was LMN sister Josefina González González in As Chair of the Federation of State Mutual companies B, C, S, was responsible for taking the protest to the new board of directors of the Meritorious Mutual Progress.
In his message the new president of the board 2011-2012, Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota said mutual society is going through various problems of economic nature that have caused significant setbacks, to a well on this occasion and with full knowledge of the situation takes the responsibility to direct the destiny of our society, Aguilar Cota highlight the annual operating program where they are contemplating the next project are to increase the number of mutual brothers more than 20 fellow members in the year, equipping our room with air conditioning system including this project in the program management support development-SEDESOL-and State Government level the financial situation of our mutual partnership and the payment of all debts inherited buy a minibus for transfers to state legislatures, national baseball team for the first gray machine strength of our representative team society, enable the Children's Day celebrations for children grandchildren of our fellow co-partners among other projects.
In making this great event to protest the new officers was presented with awards and a certificate for attending sessions 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45 have completed 58 or more years as partners or retirement assets and compliance with financial management committees and social charges
The officials who accompanied the mayor of Mulege, Mr. Guillermo Meza Santillan, town clerk Mayoral Dr. Bruno Lopez, BA Mildred Amador Rivera, municipal unions, Member of Professor Sandra XIII Elizarraras Luz Cardoso, Miss Yadira Gutiérrez Aguilar, Reyna Progress Mutual society, Professor Matthew Melendrez brother Chacon, president of the board fiscal year 2010.2011, LMN sister Josefina González González, President of the federation of mutual societies state of mutuality BCS National Legionary brother, Ildefonso Castro Valero and others.

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protest City Hall officials Mulegé XIV
to work for the good of families, Meza Santillan enjoined

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Under the first Regular Session Act gave council officials protest that a proposal by the Municipal President, Guillermo Meza Santillan had also of the Committees be formed edilicias under which members of the board of trustees and aldermen will have to work. Meza Santillan
its m essage
who make up his cabinet, ordered them to work ever mindful, attentive but especially good deal for the workers of the Municipality of Mulege.
Similarly announced that the agreement of council shall submit a work program to be implemented within dependencies to lead.
emphatic The mayor cited "here we are and what we tried to do both, so we luc
Hand in Mulege for pulling forward."
Officials were sworn are: Bruno Mayoral López, Secretary General, Eric Cisneros Sponsorship Burgos, Municipal Treasurer, Ramon Arnoldo Arce Villavicencio, City Comptroller, Saud Iván Juárez León, Senior, Arturo Peralta Cota, director of Public Works and Human settlements; Amparan Salvador Ricardo Vázquez, director of Public Services, Eduardo Romero Meza, director of Social Development and Economic, Jaime Garcia Meza, director of Public Safety and Municipal Transit Preventive Police, Juan Felipe Flores Gomez, director of Public Registry of Property and Commerce, Mario Gastelum Alfredo Romero, director of Physical Culture and Sports, Antonio Romero Meza Potable Water and Sewerage Luz del Rocío Sánchez Martínez, director of the System for Integral Family Development.
Under the Session approved a plural and proportional Commission to be responsible for scrutinizing the record released by XIII Administration and deliver within 30 days a report to the collegiate body, the members are: Eric Cisneros, Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota, Mildred Elena Amador Rivera, Bruno Mayoral López, Iván Juárez Saud Leon, Jorge Luis Reynoso, Carlos Raúl Lile Fritch and Ramon Arnoldo Arce Villavicencio.
It should be noted that, after the swearing-in went to the offices of the offices mentioned where they took office.

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Foto: ZARA

Seguro que habéis escuchado algo sobre la tendencia "COLOR BLOCK". Se trata colors, garish and flashy as possible. Crean looks bright and modern to send other trends of the season!

I'm sure you've
Already Heard about the "COLOR BLOCK" trend. It's all about colors, the cheerful and bright colors MOST. They create perfect cheerful, lovely and modern Looks That hit the trends of the season!

Photo: Lovely Pepa

This look Alexandra of Pepa is Lovely a perfect example of this trend, your outfit is great and the touch of denim jacket and candy bag is perfect.

This look by Alexandra from Lovely Pepa is a perfect example of this trend, her outfit is lovely, and the Touch That the denim jacket and the candy bag Give to it is perfect.

And by the way ...

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I announce that from now on, write posts and entries in English, because visiting the blog from many international locations. I am bilingual so I have no problem. There are also English-speaking fans, and I think it is a bit more just to make posts in English, the language is so international. So from now on bilingual posts!

That I want to announce from now on, I'll write posts in Inglés. That's Because I Have That people visit this blog from international Other places. I'm bilingual, so I Do not Have any problems doing this. There's Also followers speak in Inglés That and I think it's fair to do posts in Inglés, a very international language. So, from now on, bilingual posts!

I hope you like this photo, I did airport museum in my city, I love. They are old fire truck:)

I hope you like this photo, I did it in the Airport Museum in my city. They're old trucks fireman:)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

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From Wooden Palace
By: Germain Cota
* The Congress of State B, C, South, and the standing committee on educational issues and Youth calls for the medal of merit Artistic and cultural Agundes Professor Nestor Martinez. "
* The deputy district XIII, Professor Sandra Luz Cardoso Elizarraras secretary of that committee.
CERESO * Makes Peace of the municipal police who were unjustly detained by the Mexican Army .

Hello Santa Rosalia, these beautiful lands of upstate ... in an interview with the lawyer Luis Aguilar Sandez Palamentario Advisor of Deputy District XIII, Professor Sandra Luz Cardoso Elizarraras secretary of the Standing Committee of issues Education and Youth, reports the Honorable Congress of the state through the Standing Committee on Educational Affairs and Youth of the XIII legislature convenes medal artistic and cultural merit, "Professor Nestor Agundez Martinez" , as bases may participate in plastic arts, architecture, dance, music, preservation and care of cultural relic, the resulting citizen winners will also receive a gold medal recognition and stimulus equivalent of 230 days' wages current minimum in the state's top prize will be delivered by section solemn public on the legislative floor "José María Morelos y Pavón" in part of the celebrations of the day the teachers for more information interested parties may go to the offices of Institutional Revolutionary Party-PRI-City of Santa Rosalia ... .. the past Tuesday 26th of this month were released to local police for more than a month were rooted in the city of Tijuana have to remember that March 18 was arrested unjustly for mitotes of some of his colleagues, who reported to elements of military intelligence apparently based on mitote instead of investigating that is supposed to work, by army Mexican facilities management and municipal transit security where they were seated for more than a month at a hotel in the border city, were allegedly raped the individual guarantees and human rights that were tortured physically and psychologically, where it is assumed that in the XXI century torture is eradicated in our country in a Mexico torn apart by this war on drugs, where the federal court the Attorney General's Office, PGR, in the border city found no crime to pursue and send it to the City of Peace for the judge deems this entity, where after three days of anxiety of relatives of detainees The federal prosecutor acquitted of any crimes which found no evidence against municipal police to pursue, we the relatives of the detainees we wonder who takes away the anguish we went through over a month, where local authorities were to defend the municipal police apparently never gave us a face to our family information, we require them to clean the names of our family "that is justice because it showed that they were innocent and to punish those who gave the the names given to elements of the Mexican army's local agent are: Jaime de Jesus Cota Cota, Carlo Castro Castro, Alfredo Ceseña and Francisco Lopez, is wrong for the umpteenth time the Mexican army and military intelligence elements in this county seat.

in the belfry
The 30th of April in the installation of the Mutual Society Meritorious Progress will be taking out the swearing in of new officers for the period 2001 to Marco Antonio leads Aguilar Cota, night in a big dances and "The Compa of Baja" will be crowned the Reyna "BELEN I" , the first Sunday of May in the garden will be making a meal of "BROTHERHOOD" to celebrate the 95 anniversary of the founding of the Mutual Progress .... For any comment or complaint please write to email: and we can read us online at news blog. And we can also read in

Does A Pinguecula Ever Go Away?

What is my favorite blog?
If I had to pick one, I can not say, but I chose two, and are Mug & Co and Lovely Pepa.

What inspires you?
always inspired me in other bloggers in the street style ... Why fashion puts people in the street.

A whim?
glasses I want to buy Ray-Ban Wayfarers for a summer.

What do you think of your blog?
Well, what I think now is that I more or less well, I'm thrilled with followers, but I know I can get more. There are other bloggers who get 300 fans in four months, that's not me, but I will work hard to get it:)

Have you had blogs before?
The truth is that yes, I had a fashion where he wrote on collections, designers ...

Your favorite model?
I love Alexa Chung and I love Scarlett Johansson in the collections of Mango.

Any favorite designer?
I love that Stella McCartney has things simple yet brilliant.

Who do you think has been a style icon ?
Audrey Hepburn is a clear example of that.

Your favorite store?
I love Zara and Mango, those are my two favorites.

Aside from fashion, do you like?
I love the world of makeup, I like music and art, and fashion of course.

Some dream that has to do with fashion is ...
to attend a Fashion Week and of course, become a great blogger! Also devote some part to fashion, I love that.

Friday, April 29, 2011

In Flames Gitarrensound


I thank you very much Andrea Sweet Dreams for giving me this award, the Premio Primavera. I never thought this day would come, and I tell Andrea that I have made my day to 100%.
her blog is great and has amazing stories!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Do You Feel Wet Before Period

They do not know that you are like my habit no one can imagine what I can do-