protest City Hall officials Mulegé XIV
to work for the good of families, Meza Santillan enjoined
Under the first Regular Session Act gave council officials protest that a proposal by the Municipal President, Guillermo Meza Santillan had also
of the Committees be formed edilicias under which members of the board of trustees and aldermen will have to work. Meza Santillan
its m essage who make up his cabinet, ordered them to work ever mindful, attentive but especially good deal for the workers of the Municipality of Mulege.
Similarly announced that the agreement of council shall submit a work program to be implemented within dependencies to lead.
emphatic The mayor cited "here we are and what we tried to do both, so we luc Hand in Mulege for pulling forward."
Officials were sworn are: Bruno Mayoral López, Secretary General, Eric Cisneros Sponsorship Burgos, Municipal Treasurer, Ramon Arnoldo Arce Villavicencio, City Comptroller, Saud Iván Juárez León, Senior, Arturo Peralta Cota, director of Public Works and Human settlements; Amparan Salvador Ricardo Vázquez, director of Public Services, Eduardo Romero Meza, director of Social Development and Economic, Jaime Garcia Meza, director of Public Safety and Municipal Transit Preventive Police, Juan Felipe Flores Gomez, director of Public Registry of Property and Commerce, Mario Gastelum Alfredo Romero, director of Physical Culture and Sports, Antonio Romero Meza Potable Water and Sewerage Luz del Rocío Sánchez Martínez, director of the System for Integral Family Development.
Under the Session approved a plural and proportional Commission to be responsible for scrutinizing the record released by XIII Administration and deliver within 30 days a report to the collegiate body, the members are: Eric Cisneros, Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota, Mildred Elena Amador Rivera, Bruno Mayoral López, Iván Juárez Saud Leon, Jorge Luis Reynoso, Carlos Raúl Lile Fritch and Ramon Arnoldo Arce Villavicencio.
It should be noted that, after the swearing-in went to the offices of the offices mentioned where they took office.

its m essage who make up his cabinet, ordered them to work ever mindful, attentive but especially good deal for the workers of the Municipality of Mulege.
Similarly announced that the agreement of council shall submit a work program to be implemented within dependencies to lead.
emphatic The mayor cited "here we are and what we tried to do both, so we luc Hand in Mulege for pulling forward."
Officials were sworn are: Bruno Mayoral López, Secretary General, Eric Cisneros Sponsorship Burgos, Municipal Treasurer, Ramon Arnoldo Arce Villavicencio, City Comptroller, Saud Iván Juárez León, Senior, Arturo Peralta Cota, director of Public Works and Human settlements; Amparan Salvador Ricardo Vázquez, director of Public Services, Eduardo Romero Meza, director of Social Development and Economic, Jaime Garcia Meza, director of Public Safety and Municipal Transit Preventive Police, Juan Felipe Flores Gomez, director of Public Registry of Property and Commerce, Mario Gastelum Alfredo Romero, director of Physical Culture and Sports, Antonio Romero Meza Potable Water and Sewerage Luz del Rocío Sánchez Martínez, director of the System for Integral Family Development.
Under the Session approved a plural and proportional Commission to be responsible for scrutinizing the record released by XIII Administration and deliver within 30 days a report to the collegiate body, the members are: Eric Cisneros, Marco Antonio Aguilar Cota, Mildred Elena Amador Rivera, Bruno Mayoral López, Iván Juárez Saud Leon, Jorge Luis Reynoso, Carlos Raúl Lile Fritch and Ramon Arnoldo Arce Villavicencio.
It should be noted that, after the swearing-in went to the offices of the offices mentioned where they took office.
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