SPPPyTM assertion hard blow to drug dealers in the municipal
* Saul Antonio Olmos Bogarin main southern city narcomenudista
By: Germain Cota
Effective Secretary
Public Safety Municipal Preventive Police and transit-SPPPyTM director-general in charge of licensed Jaime Garcia Meza, captured one of the main is drug dealers south of the Municipality of Mulege , operating in the ejido San Bruno which at the time of arrest drug was found more commonly known as "Crystal" and "Cocaine"
According to the report of the municipal police unit being the 22:40 pm last Wednesday of the month in progress be doing surveillance for travel on the main colonies of the county seat, bars. Canteens and give the port when the operating driving on the Highway from north to south in the vicinity of the coastal walkway this port, municipal police officers noticed a suspicious vehicle, type Zedad, red, unmarked movement, which led him a male person whom the agents asked him to stop for a review, to conduct the review precaution was found inside his clothes tucked just two transparent plastic bags in your bag inside the first eight wrappers with a fine white powder apparently the drug known as "Cocaine" in the second bag was found thirteen gray plastic wrap called "balloons" with a white granular substance, apparently drug hydrochloride methamphetamine known as "Crystal", just as he was assured the amount of $ 1,400.00 (one thousand cuatroc Ents pesos) and five dollars. The prisoner said his name was Saul Bogarin Antonio Olmos, 27 years of age, resident known in the Ejido San Bruno, a native of Ejido San Bruno in the Municipality of Mulege. The doga were arrested and released to the Public Ministry of the Feder
ation in the sub-venue of Santa Rosalia, on the alleged responsibilities d in com Isio of an offense against health in the form of sale and possession Hydrochloric idrato Methamphetamine - GLASS "and" Cocaine. "
Public Safety Secretary , Preventive Police and Municipal Transit-SPPPYTM "reaffirms its commitment to work for security in the Municipality of Mulege, improving each day est rategias Narcomenudeo to combat crime and to bring peace and harmony in families Muleginas.

According to the report of the municipal police unit being the 22:40 pm last Wednesday of the month in progress be doing surveillance for travel on the main colonies of the county seat, bars. Canteens and give the port when the operating driving on the Highway from north to south in the vicinity of the coastal walkway this port, municipal police officers noticed a suspicious vehicle, type Zedad, red, unmarked movement, which led him a male person whom the agents asked him to stop for a review, to conduct the review precaution was found inside his clothes tucked just two transparent plastic bags in your bag inside the first eight wrappers with a fine white powder apparently the drug known as "Cocaine" in the second bag was found thirteen gray plastic wrap called "balloons" with a white granular substance, apparently drug hydrochloride methamphetamine known as "Crystal", just as he was assured the amount of $ 1,400.00 (one thousand cuatroc Ents pesos) and five dollars. The prisoner said his name was Saul Bogarin Antonio Olmos, 27 years of age, resident known in the Ejido San Bruno, a native of Ejido San Bruno in the Municipality of Mulege. The doga were arrested and released to the Public Ministry of the Feder

Public Safety Secretary , Preventive Police and Municipal Transit-SPPPYTM "reaffirms its commitment to work for security in the Municipality of Mulege, improving each day est rategias Narcomenudeo to combat crime and to bring peace and harmony in families Muleginas.